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The brand to retailer relationship is a deep partnership that has been around for more than a century, dating as far back as the mid-1800s. Who knew retail had been around for that long? When this ...

All articles from Jon Faber

Retailers And Brands Are Frustrated With Marketplaces, We’re Here To Help

At Envoy B2B, You Drive Your Wholesale B2B Business

Better Content Production For Less With Envoy B2B And VNTANA

A Complete Go To Market Strategy Demands Both Adaptive And Specialized Content

Creating High Quality Product Images Can Be Faster, Cheaper, and More Flexible

Our New Educational Portal Connects You To Our Team Of Experts

Building A Better Showroom, The Homepage For Your Retailer's Season

Party On: Reflecting On A Decade Of Envoy B2B

Wolverine Worldwide Builds Augmented Reality Showrooms With Envoy B2B

DTC Is The New Kid On The Block, But Brick & Mortar Remains Essential

The Role of Digital Catalogs And Visual Merchandising At The Buying Table With Your Retailers

In the battle between B2Bs, choose pizza. Let me explain...

Acknowledging a Retailer’s Challenge and Doing the Right Thing

Podcast: What Retailers Want and How Brands Can Provide For Them

Podcast: Envoy B2B + Locally Enables Brands to Support their Retailers