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About Envoy B2B

We’re a buyer-focused B2B e-commerce platform that helps brands put the right product in the right stores. But we’re also people, and we love to go outside. What do we do when we’re not in the office? We run, hike, bike, camp, fish, climb, swim, and more!

The Big Table

A long time ago, in an office far, far away, the first thing you saw when you walked into the Envoy B2B office was a giant table. While it no longer exists in the office, the spirit of that table lives on as a message about the collaborative efforts of our company.

As part of Envoy B2B, all of our employees have a seat at that table. Being seated at this table encourages open discussions across all departments, a culture of getting to know your co-workers and what they do, understanding all the different pieces of Envoy B2B, and sharing ideas across the table.

So the table may not exist anymore, but the ideas behind it still do. We encourage everyone to speak up, share ideas, be collaborative, have fun, and work hard.

The Small Teams

While the big table represents the wide scope of how we collaborate, the “small teams of smart people” idea is what really makes us tick. These are small groups of the right people coming together to complete a task or a job. By arranging ourselves into these groups, everyone has a clear responsibility which encourages efficient, focused use of time.

The Mission

Envoy B2B connects brands to sales reps and retailers through a modern, flexible software platform that enhances the speed of sale, and keeps brands close to their retailers.

Envoy B2B

The History

What is now known as Envoy B2B started off with a simple idea, some very creative dudes, and a good selection of craft beers, brewed right here in Beer City, USA… Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The year was 2010 and the first iPad had just been released. You could watch movies on it, check email, read a book, and park your kid in front of it for hours while you got sh*t done.

Sitting in Jon’s (CEO) basement, we knew this new device would be a powerful tool for businesses. Our small, yet mighty, team had already built an iPhone app aimed at helping runners achieve their pacing goals. As a group, we were (and still are) outdoor enthusiasts including, runners, mountain bikers, motorcyclists, hikers, campers, climbers, and an ultra-distance swimmer.

So, when a major footwear brand stumbled across our app, we got to talkin’. They loved what we built, and had a sweet business idea to share. This aligned perfectly with our plans, and our partnership with Saucony began.

We built a custom enterprise catalog app so reps could share product information digitally, and start ditching print catalogs. This would help them save money, save time, and save the environment.

From there, our journey really took shape. Once people saw the power of the tool, they wanted more. And we were just the team to give it to them. From our catalog app, we built a full B2B platform. We grew our team, moved into a fancy office, and got buildin’.

As more brands were exposing their products digitally through our platform, they realized how much of their content was missing. Early on, brands found they were missing images for almost 50% of their products. We jumped in to help.

We built a high volume, high quality photo studio to help companies get their products online. Business in this area skyrocketed! The need was huge, and we had developed a smart, scalable system to handle all of their photography needs.

Our next big push was opening an office in Munich, Germany. This expanded our reach globally, and put us in a strong position to grow our platform.

Following that move, we added features to make our platform a true content and commerce destination. From ordering, to sharing product details, to custom line sheets and presentations… all the tools reps needed to connect, pass along information, and complete the sale.

But, wait, there’s more!

Our primary focus had been at the enterprise level, but there was a need for lower to middle market brands. We developed turnkey integrations to make it easy for any brand to sign on, and reap the benefits of a full-fledged B2B platform.

Moving forward, we continue to grow all of our teams to meet the needs of innovating at a sustainable, but rapid pace. As our client’s needs change, we adapt. But, we remain wholly focused on our long term strategic goals to supply the best B2B platform for brands, reps, and retailers to achieve success.

Envoy B2B is currently used around the world by tens of thousands of people. Envoy B2B sees millions of dollars in transactions every day. Each new client brings new opportunities and Envoy B2B continues to become synonymous with success in B2B.