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Streamline Your Wholesale Channel

Modern replenishment and prebook order capture.

Modern replenishment and prebook order capture.

Put together a smarter season.


Quick replenishment orders and prebook order capture

Outdated ordering systems won’t keep up with your retailers’ demand. Our always-on portal gives retailers access to pre-book order capture, easy, offline Excel order sheet importation, quick replenishment order workflows, recently ordered product view, and more.

Performance analytics

Performance analytics

To improve your season, you need the right data. Our performance analytics features allow you to monitor live feeds of buyers engaging with your brand’s content, see a dashboard of top customers and products, and match consumer demand with retailers.

Recommend orders

Recommend orders

Trustworthy recommendations come from digitally-enabled reps who have insights into what’s hot at each store. Gain the data your reps need on hot products, trends, and consumer demand right inside of Envoy B2B to increase smarter orders with better sell-through.

Streamline your ordering process.

Account segmentation and unique pricing

Account segmentation and unique pricing

The right products deserve to be shown to the right accounts. Envoy B2B’s account segmentation and unique pricing features allow brands to sell parts of their entire line to specific retailers, with unique pricing for each.

Collect payment with CC and ACH

Collect payment with CC and ACH

No more waiting around for payments to occur. Take payments immediately via credit card or ACH with Envoy B2B’s PayNow feature. That means the flexibility to sell to different types of retailers, and a quicker time to cash.

Real-time inventory availability

Retailers can’t sell what they don’t have. Envoy B2B allows brands to track real-time inventory at each retailer, so you can take action on replenishment and keep sell-through strong.

Real-time inventory availability
We needed a platform that gave reps and retailers easy-to-use, powerful technology and tools, enabling them to learn about our company and our uniqueness as a brand. We also wanted a platform that allowed reps to pick it up and start using it almost immediately, otherwise, it wouldn’t be worth it.
Twisted X
Daniel Yubeta | Senior Business Analyst, Twisted X

Streamline Your Wholesale Channel

We know that retailers buy from brands that actively provide meaningful support and effective tools. That means it’s on you and your brand to earn your spot on the shelf. Archaic systems and clunky methods aren’t going to cut it. No more phoning in orders or giant spreadsheets. Retailers don’t have the time.

66% of your specialty retailers carry more than 20+ brands. 97% use more than 15 B2B platforms daily. It’s essential that you are making their job as simple as possible.

*Twisted X has seen a 22% increase in B2B platform bookings when compared to pre-Envoy B2B bookings after using the system for just a few months. Along with that, their B2B order dollars have also increased by 109% since adoption.