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As more and more brands adopt technology solutions and create digital spaces for retailer interactions, it would be easy to think that the more traditional ways of delivering content are dead. Who needs a PDF when you can dazzle with an interactive one-sheet. Why create a PowerPoint when a flipbook is more engaging?

In the excitement of discovering all these cool new technologies and strategies, the more traditional approach often gets overlooked. It makes sense – new is exciting! But, sometimes the more tried-and-true approach is the way to go. That’s why we made sure that we shipped Digital Press with excellent exporting tools. Because for many reps and retailers, the ability to export content into a preferred format is important.


When we built Digital Press, we had our eye on the future. We wanted to create a desktop publishing experience  that was easy for brands to use, powerful enough to create engaging content, and designed for wholesale B2B. It needed to deliver an experience that more traditional formats couldn’t. That means allowing for modern features like QR codes with a dedicated tool coming in the next few months, augmented reality utilizing 3D models, and more. This opens up a whole new realm of creative possibilities and ways to engage retailers. It’s a powerful piece of software.

But, we also recognize that sometimes, for any number of valid reasons, people are looking for a more traditional approach.

Meeting Retailers Where They Are

While the experiences created in Digital Press are best viewed through the web viewer or in your B2B, accessibility for every user is our number one priority. Not every retailer wants to, or is able to, interact with Digital Press content in a digital format. We’ve made sure that every single experience you create can be exported in multiple formats.

We’ve included all of the most common formats. Users can export to:

  • PDF - The classic digital format. While the need for PDF’s is diminishing as a result of the rise of dedicated digital spaces, there are still a great many reps and retailers that make use of the format. We respect it.
  • PowerPoint - Putting together a deck for an upcoming meeting? We make it easy. Export the experience as a pre-built presentation. Done and done.
  • Word - You can even export Digital Press experiences as a DOCX file, although it’s still in beta form as we perfect it.

And of course you can print Digital Press experiences after you export the. Printing has become far less common, but we know that it still has a place in many wholesale go-to-market strategies.

Nothing Is Set In Stone

One of the key elements of creating content with Digital Press is that it is B2B-aware. This means that all your experiences are pulling from the single source of truth for product information, and will update across the board if that source changes. While that automatic update isn’t possible for content after it has been exported,you can edit exported content using the appropriate software. So, if you need to update a SKU, an image, pricing, or any other product date, you can!

Better Living Through Exporting

Digital Press allows brands to create next-generation, shoppable B2B experiences with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. But, connecting with your retailers, in whatever format they need, is critical to growing that relationship and building your brand. We didn’t leave the past behind and built robust exporting tools into Digital Press.

You can learn more about Digital Press by clicking here.

