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Successful seasons are built on brands engaging and educating their retailers. Of the many options available, Assortments are one of the key tools used to achieve that. And in our latest release they’re about to get a major upgrade.

Introducing the all-new, all-better Assortment experience, a curated, shoppable experience that educates retailers and engages them with tools to help merchandise the smartest buy for their stores. It’s a best in class experience that gives your reps the tools to create a custom experience, then invite retailers into that experience through our email campaign feature, all while being tracked so you know actual performance.

A Curated, Educational, Shoppable Experience

Research tells us that stores want to work with brands that deliver strong rep support. This is due to reps being a key part of helping a retailer curate the best products for their store.

Reps go through a process of educating retailers on the brand and products, and then helping to merchandise the best assortment with that store.  Assortments have always been part of this, but until now, they have been static experiences. However, as retail changes and shifts, so too must the tools a brand has on hand.

With our new assortment experience, reps can now easily build a custom digital presentation experience for their retailers. This presentation experience can be used to communicate the upcoming season, providing information on key products benefits, seasonal promotions, or the brands vision for the coming season.

Additionally the rep can curate a selection of products that can be shopped by buyers in a friendly D2C like experience. Reps can also visually merchandise a suggested cart for their retailer, who can then continue merchandising and easily checkout by creating an order from their cart.

Assortment experiences gives reps the power to tell a better story by putting retailers into a curated, educational, and shoppable experience - easily - with one assortment across many of their retailers.

Insights Into Retailer Activity

As retailers interact with the suggested assortment, brands immediately receive metrics on relevant engagement and tracking data. Email opens, assortment views in platform, order conversions, total revenue generated from campaign - it’s all visible

We’re excited for our users to get their hands on V18, and our new assortment experience. Retail is changing, and this powerful new tool allows brands to change with it, go to market smarter, and empower their retailers for stronger seasons.

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