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Change is inevitable. Whether that change is the result of successful growth, or brought about by the disruption caused by the pandemic, you need to make sure you are harnessing the right B2B technology to support your specialty retail partners as effectively as possible. But changing how you do business, even if it’s for the better, can be daunting. 

But staying rooted in your old systems will hold your brand back. That means now is the time to upgrade your B2B and deliver killer tools to your specialty retail partners. Because their success is your success.

Especially in today’s unprecedented retail landscape, you need a wholesales strategy with the right tools to propel your brand into a better, brighter future.

Our Industry Is Adapting To A New Reality

The specialty retail landscape is going through a seismic upheaval as our industry shifts to deal with the current global pandemic. Some of the changes brought about by this challenge will be temporary. Many will simply become the new way of doing business.

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Trade shows are on indefinite hold. But sell-in remains a critical component of every season, so new solutions need to be put in place for your buyers. Your brand needs a B2B that can deliver a virtual booth experience and empower you to collaborate with your retailers on smart seasonal buys.

Many reps can’t visit stores in person. But they still need to share assortments, collaborate on merchandising, and keep their retailers educated. If you can’t put digital tools in their hands and enable them to still offer strong support to retailers, it’s time to re-think your B2B system.

Your specialty retailers have a lot on the line here, and they need you to be a committed partner in their success. Ensuring you have a B2B system that can handle these new paradigms is critical.

Support Your Retailers With Powerful Content And Commerce Tools

So what’s a brand to do? Because specialty retailers are small practically by definition, there are a lot of them—and they each expect the same type of unique touch from their vendor partners as they provide to their own customers. The trick is being able to service these retailers well.

Your brand needs a modern B2B that satisfies their expectations and helps them thrive. And that’s a “digital-first” approach.

Modernizing With A Digital-First Strategy

You need a solution that will reduce the costs of servicing your wholesale channel and at the same time provide a rich experience for your retailers, leading to increased order volumes. Otherwise, you won’t be able to satisfy their evolving expectations. Specialty retailers demand constant and easy access to orders as well as all of the assets that support the assortments they carry.

They also expect clear and concise features and benefits messaging that they can relay to their customers. After all, their customers come to them for their expertise, so you need to make your retail partners “experts” on your products in order to win with them. Your marketing content needs to be accurate and up to date, as well as interesting, engaging, and timely. We call it a content destination.

The Premiere Modern B2B

Envoy B2B will build loyalty in your wholesale channel through education, engagement, and easy order capture. And we give you all the tools you need to tackle the new business demands of an industry deeply affected by the global pandemic.

Additionally, Envoy B2B is not just a platform—we’ve got an entire team here to support you right from the start. Your company can enjoy the same kind of success that big players like Wolverine Worldwide, Converse, and Biolite are having.

So embrace change, support your specialty retail partners with powerful B2B tools, and drive growth for your brand. Get in touch for a demo and learn how you can streamline your wholesale channel, go to market with sustainable tools, and digitally enable your reps.

best practices for retail support and replenishment