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If you’re in the outdoor space, then chances are you love the outdoors. And if you love the outdoors, then you probably embrace challenges: maybe it’s hiking a long, steep incline, or trail riding all day until your legs feel like lead. Or maybe it’s setting up camp on the side of mountain in the middle of a snowstorm... in the dark.

We have a challenge for you—but you won’t need to summon any of your outdoor survival skills. In fact, you won’t even need to break a sweat.

We want you to try Envoy for 30 days. We want to get to know you and your brand. And we want to tell you how our platform has helped brands big and small revolutionize their wholesale business, improve the efficiency of order capture, and grow sales. And then, if our hunch is right, you’ll want to take our system for a test drive.

Brands that use our platform are able to keep their retailers informed. Through the use of up-to-date and interactive content, they can educate retailers, which can turn them into genuine brand advocates, the result being stronger sales. Who better to speak expertly about your product than the people who have one-on-one interactions with your end customers?

Your reps are better equipped, too. Knowledge is power, after all, and Envoy gives your reps all the product knowledge that you can throw at them. By giving your sales team a highly visual and information-rich resource that’s updated in real time, you’re empowering them. They’ll be able to successfully sell your brand because they’ll have the right tool at their disposal.

But Envoy’s advantages don’t end with enablement. There are also huge efficiency gains to be had when you use a system that was designed specifically with outdoor brands in mind. Order capture is streamlined: speed goes up and entry errors go down (or disappear altogether).

Enthusiastic retailers who help you drive sales, knowledgeable reps who have product information available at their fingertips, and an order capture process for replenishment and future orders that’s faster and more accurate. All of this is good, good, good for your bottom line.

This is why we’re offering our platform to you for free for 30 days. We want you to see the benefits of our solution firsthand. We want you to start providing your buyers and reps with a modern content and commerce destination, not just a pretty online interface or a convenient ordering system (though Envoy is those things, too!).

We look forward to meeting you and learning about your brand. In the meantime, if you know a few people who need to see this letter, share it with them.