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The reality is, e-commerce photography is a challenge for most marketing teams. They know their stuff when it comes to delivering your story in a way that excites your retailers and consumers, but your team likely isn’t looking to become experts in product photography and videography. You want experts, and that’s us. And it’s likely that your brand has a significant wholesale operation, as well as a growing direct-to-consumer (DTC) business. That means you need to produce a lot of quality assets, in a limited window, with minimal in-house knowledge.

So the question then is, how? As brands struggle to solve this problem, two approaches have materialized: specialized and adaptive. We’re going to focus on the adaptive approach here, as it’s poised to radically redefine how brands produce assets at every stage of the seasonal journey.

What is Adaptive Photography?

Adaptive photography is producing photographs from 3D models of a product.

3D model of a CAT shoe.

CAT TierOne-02-1

Photograph rendered from a 3D model.

Let’s expand on that statement. Adaptive content uses a 3D model as the basis to render additional media: 360° spins, videos, animations, and 2D e-commerce images. This approach offers unprecedented flexibility to choose the environment, camera angles, number of frames, lights, and shadows for each deliverable; all sourced from one model. Rendering from models can be done on demand in batches, and across multiple frames and products, all without needing to get hands on with the physical product once the initial model has been created.

360° video generated from 3D model.


It’s an incredible technology with great potential to deliver operational efficiencies and rapid production timelines. And it’s all being pioneered by Envoy B2B.

What Does It Mean For Your Brand?

Adaptive photography slashes production time, while still outputting a high-quality deliverable. This method allows for rapid iteration and output based on immediate needs as defined by the brand, with no lag time. Instead of having to re-prep, re-light, and re-shoot a high demand product, adaptive photography enables the photographer to call up the model, quickly change the environment, adjust the angles and lighting, and output the desired deliverable.


Photographers can set up “tables” – presets with the correct parameters for different channels like wholesale, DTC, Zappos, and more – and quickly output whatever is needed.

We can render 6 frames from a single 3D model in under 2 minutes. That’s a lot of capacity in a single day, which means we can quickly generate completely new sets of deliverables for brands as the seasonal content needs change.

Your team can move past having to wait to put product in front of a camera, and build flexible marketing production timelines that allow for an on-demand response to your marketing needs.

The Right Images For The Right Channels, Faster

We’ve harnessed our years of experience shooting products to bring this technology to life. We are building adaptive photography to answer the question “how can we power your brand’s entire DTC and wholesale channel efficiently without sacrificing quality?”

Adaptive photography rapidly produces immediate, flexible, iterative deliverables in multiples, and at quality, so you can deliver the correct image to the right channel, without stalling out in the process.

Want to explore how your brand can take advantage of an adaptive approach to photography? Get in touch.