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Picture this: You spend months planning for an in-person conference to showcase your best brands and products. You’re prepared to educate thousands of buyers and receive multiple orders for the upcoming season. Then just a few months before the scheduled conference… Bam. A virus that shuts down nearly the entire world puts an end to all large, in-person events for the foreseeable future. If you’re like most companies, this situation should sound very familiar to you. And if we’re being honest, these circumstances have probably left you with two simple words: “Now what?” 

Instead of having their in-person conference this past May, Wolverine Worldwide was forced to face that same question. With 12 brands and a global audience ready to view and order their products, they needed to move quickly to adopt a digital approach for their go-to-market strategy. 

As they reacted to the situation, according to SGB Media, a six-step action plan was put in place which included: 

  1. Putting the health and safety of their employees first. 
  2. Enhancing their balance sheet liquidity.
  3. Adjusting their infrastructure for speed to adapt to more future unknowns. 
  4. Boosting their eCommerce and online business growth for their wholesalers.
  5. Providing a greater emphasis on messaging.
  6. Honing in on new opportunities and taking advantage of this “new normal.” 

To accomplish all of this, one of the main factors Wolverine Worldwide needed was a modernized B2B eCommerce solution that allowed them to support the relationship between their brand and the retailers, distributors, and the hundreds of sales reps. One of the critical partners in making this digital transition was Envoy B2B, and it allowed Wolverine Worldwide to shift towards an effective digital go-to-market strategy. 

Prior to COVID-19, Wolverine Worldwide had already been utilizing Envoy B2B’s core features. However, once the virus hit and their traditional Global Brand Conference was no longer an option, having a modernized B2B platform helped them adapt quickly. Using Envoy B2B, they brought their entire global conference, which would have normally taken place at a large convention hall across several days, digital inside Envoy B2B. Wolverine Worldwide relied heavily on Envoy B2B’s showroom functionality as a conference destination to deliver both pre-recorded and live video sessions such as keynotes. Individual brands effectively leveraged showrooms to tell seasonal stories and introduce new product lines to their buying partners. Wolverine Worldwide brands also used Envoy B2B’s assortment and merchandising functionality in conjunction with a video conferencing solution to conduct their line planning meetings with accounts.

Wolverine Worldwide pulled together over 100 team members between Envoy B2B and several of their departments to create a globally successful conference during the height of the pandemic. 

“By leveraging Envoy B2B, we were able to successfully adjust our go-to-market strategy to launch our first digital brand conference,” stated Dee Slater, CIO at Wolverine Worldwide. “Ultimately, we were able to go from ‘survival mode’ to ‘thrive mode’ by aligning our teams to a digital mindset and taking advantage of digital tools like Envoy B2B’s platform.” 

Now, Wolverine Worldwide, along with Envoy B2B, is gearing up for their second virtual global conference in October. They plan to build off of their previous success and incorporate new improvements for their brands and buyers. 

The digital movement is now more important than ever for your go-to-market strategy. And having a modernized B2B solution can make all the difference in having a successful season. 

To learn more about launching a digital showroom and going virtual during your sell-in, click here.