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The latest version of Envoy B2B is on the way. We’ve got a host of new features and improvements coming, but there are few additions in particular we want to call attention to. As always, we will release a list of the changes and updates, but for now let’s take a look at at some of the new features we are particularly excited about.


With the ability to merchandise product on a canvas prior to order creation, our visualization feature allows buyers and reps to quickly merchandise shipments of both pre-books and replenishments. Best of all, it’s easy! The merchandising process takes place right in the cart as a user builds an order.

Hot Spots

Every image in Envoy B2B can now be made shoppable! Hotspots you designate within lifestyle images, technology shots, or any other image in the platform can now be attributed to any product in your catalog. Hot Spots make it easier for your buyers to get product into their cart to start visualizing their buy whether they are browsing your seasonal showroom, or learning about key products in your interactive lookbook.

Global Share Queue

Everything in the platform can now be more easily shared, with more people. Instead of sharing items out one-by-one, users can now build a share queue full of order drafts, assortments, or showroom content that they want to share. In addition, items can now be shared to users outside of the Envoy B2B platform. This gives sales reps a tool to easily share seasonal content with retailers that may be considering carrying your brands product.

Order Kit

Order Kit is another exciting new feature for us. We heard many buyers in our platform asking for a simple way to download all the product assets they need for the order they just placed. With Order Kit, buyers will now have multiple download options from both the order confirmation screen and order confirmation email. Rather than downloading assets one at a time for each product on a recent order, buyers will now be able to download an Order Kit that contains PDFs, XLS files, product images, tech sheets, and UPCs all in one click.

These are just a few of the things that we’re excited to be bringing to our users in the Version 15 release. Stay tuned for an expanded look at all our upcoming new features. Look for Version 15 to release in the middle of January.

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