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Question:  How can Envoy B2B empower reps to provide amazing support for their buyers?  Answer: Engagements.

Recently, we surveyed thousands of specialty retail buyers to find out what they need from brands in order to have a successful season. One of the top answers that came back to us was that reps are a key ingredient to that success. And not just plain old reps. Specialty retailers want enabled reps that understand the retailer’s seasonal journey. Reps that can anticipate needs, and are solid communicators with valuable insights.

So we built a new core feature set in Envoy B2B to facilitate these reps.  We call it Engagements.


Engagements are intelligent automations that empowers a brand to provide proactive support at retail by giving reps a window into their retailer’s activity in the platform.

We will be bringing two Engagements to Envoy B2B in V17 -  abandoned orders and unopened assortment campaign emails.


Abandoned Orders

We all know retailers are busy, and sometimes things fall through the cracks. So our abandoned orders engagement will allow reps to view a retailer’s abandoned order drafts and the total dollar amount, so reps are motivated to follow up on any orders that may have been abandoned.

Unopened Assortments

Similarly, with the unopened assortment campaign email Engagement, reps will be able to see which retailers have unopened assortment campaign emails, and follow up accordingly. Assortment campaigns are a great tool that brands can use to push promotions, or a new seasonal line, and now reps will be able to capitalize on these new insights to drive success for their retailers.

Engagements will enable reps to deliver smarter, timely, proactive support to their retail channels.  And that means more success for both brands and retailers.  

While Envoy B2B will deliver these first two engagements on July 13 when V17 releases, expect many more to come in the future.

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