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Trade show season is back and we're super pumped to get out on the floor. It’s been a while for all of us. We all found ways to adapt to the lack of trade shows over the past year. But, looking ahead, it can’t hurt to brush up on some tips and tricks for trade show season. How do you most effectively harness your B2B platform at the trade show? What are retailers looking for from brands and how can you deliver that support? What should you listen to on the plane?

Read on for all that and more, my friends.

Trade Show Tips

Here are 3 easy-to-implement strategies for delivering a better trade show experience that your brand can adopt right now. In a nutshell, prep your assortments, build engaging presentations, and print less. Hit this link up and dive into the blog for greater detail: 3 Simple Ways You Can Use Your B2B To Power A Better Trade Show Experience

Maximum Impact With Envoy B2B

Envoy B2B can be a critical piece of your trade show offering, giving you the power to delight your retailers with engaging presentations, relevant educational content, and powerful assortment and ordering tools. It’s useful on the show floor, but also a wonderful tool for pre-show that will enable you to prepare retailers for a great booth experience. Then, post-show, it’s easy to follow-up with added insights and opportunities after everyone is back home. Go beyond the booth: Buyer Engagement During Trade Show Season: Going Beyond the Booth

Manual Orders? No Problem

In an ideal world, all of your retailers would be placing orders on your B2B platform. For a variety of reasons, that’s not always the case, and you’ll likely have to handle some Excel based orders at the trade shows. For those retailers that still live in the world of manual orders and Excel sheets, we’ve got you covered! Envoy B2B has a top notch Excel import/export tool for handling those old school orders with ease. Read more about it here: Easy Excel Order Export/Import With Envoy B2B

Know Your Retailers

For most of us, the return to trade shows is a big deal.  We miss our community, and we can’t wait to make connections with our peers, in-person. Not only is the outdoor industry driven by it’s sense of community and commitment to those around us, but much of our business is better done in person. Retailers want to see and feel the products, and reps want to build connections and relationships with those retailers. How do we know? We did the research. Download the 2021 Retailer Challenge Report and go into this trade show season with a better understanding of how to support your retailers. The 2021 Retailer’s Challenge Report Is Here!

A Podcast For The Trip

Need something for the plane ride on your way to the show? Dig into the latest Envoy B2B podcast detailing how brands can assist specialty retailers in generating lasting success. Podcast: How Brands Assist Specialty Retailers in Generating Lasting Success

And We’re Back!

We’re excited to see all of your faces at the trade show. We can’t wait to high five, fist bump, and share a great experience with you. Here’s to all of you, our industry, and to the start of another great trade show season!

Want to know more? We’re happy to talk.