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It’s time for your brand to Wholesale Forward. That’s a bold statement, but what does it mean?

It’s simple. Over the last two years, the pandemic changed how business is done. Trade shows and store visits disappeared and virtual experiences became the new normal. Now, as we're able to move back to doing business in-person, a hybrid model has begun to emerge, combining the best of the in-person tools with the new digital experiences.

This digital initiative is a critical piece of your wholesale future. We’ve all spent the last few years reacting to the world around us, but now brands have the opportunity to take control and develop proactive wholesale strategies.

There are three things that brands need to do to build out a powerful digital strategy, and Wholesale Forward: 

  1. Align your team
  2. Energize your retailers
  3. Power up your brand

Align Your Team

Your team works best when it works together. This is about arming your people with powerful software and streamlining operations between sales and marketing. You need software that empowers collaboration between sales and marketing, enabling them to work together toward a unified goal of wholesale growth.

gtm-header-v2Here are two ways Envoy B2B will get you there:

  1. Spur growth with digital workbooks. Sales and marketing can work together to deliver powerful experiences, creating opportunities for reps to engage retailers and increase order volume.
  2. Better assets with collaboration. With the right feedback from your sales team, marketing can build premier merchandising experiences that delight retailers.

These premier experiences are built by your sales and marketing teams, working together, to create the future you want for your brand. Not a future dictated by the events of the past few years. Looking to learn more about how to align your teams?  Get in touch today!

Energize Your Retailers

Retailers have been through a lot over the past few years. Long stretches of stay-at-home orders, inventing new ways to delight customers that can’t come into the store, and now supply chain issues holding inventory back, are just some of the hurdles they’ve experienced.

They’re ready for a boost. Your brand can be the fuel they need.


There are three components you need to create confident retailers that are passionate about your brand. With these features, they’ll be educated and armed with the power to create a future where you both grow your bottom line.

  1. Give your retailers 24/7 access to your products, marketing assets, education, and ordering tools. Retailers can work anytime, anywhere. Let them, by inviting them into a portal with an always-on destination that serves their needs.
  2. Give your retailers real-time inventory. Accurate inventory is critical for strong sell-through. They can’t sell your product if they can’t order it, and they can’t order it if they don’t know you have it.
  3. Give your retailers visibility into future availability. Let them see when products will become available again. This allows them to get ahead of demand and create desire in their customer base.

Be the brand your retailers need right now by providing a wholesale platform that looks to the future and clearly enables them to succeed. Wholesale Forward with Envoy B2B and energize your retailers. Get in touch today!

Power Up Your Brand

Our industry moves fast. It’s time for your brand to move faster with tools that are focused on helping you build the future of your wholesale channel. Envoy B2B gives you those tools so you can power up your brand. These tools include:

  1. Digital workbooks that tap into the power of collaboration between reps and retailers. This gives them the ability to create smarter buys, grow season-over-season, and build a bright future for your brand – together.
  2. A content destination for powerful storytelling that excites your retailers. This lets you align with their shared values, fuel their passion, and ignite their engagement with your story, your products, and your brand.
  3. Powerful analytics that gives you the ability to see into the future. This is a real-time feed of customer engagements and emerging trends.

digitally_enable_header_v2Envoy B2B delivers all this with our Showroom features, Workbooks, and Insights & Activities dashboard. We built these tools to put your brand in charge of its own future and give you the power to build a channel that drives your wholesale forward. Reach out and find out how you can power up your brand today.

We believe the future of our industry will be driven by brands that power up their channels with modern tools, take bold steps to align their teams, and energize their retailers. It’s time to Wholesale Forward. We can’t wait to be part of the movement with you.