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Update:  Click here for the 2021 Retailer's Challenge Report!

We surveyed thousands of specialty retailers, on a variety of subjects, to get their unique perspectives on this industry.  The insights offered up are invaluable for a brand looking to become a strong partner to specialty retail.

We’ll be covering a variety of different topics over the course of a few blogs

Here they discuss the value specialty retail brings to the industry, and why brands should be partnering up with them.

On The Value Of Partnering With Specialty Retail Shops:

“We are our own strong brand.  To be in our store-fronts means we believe in the quality, functionality, and reliability of the product. Our customers know to expect this from what we sell.”

“We raise brand awareness in a positive way in our community. Shoppers value and trust our opinion. I also like to provide feedback directly to the company or to our reps."

“Our shoppers trust our recommendations & opinions.”

“We focus on curating unique quality products, our clients trust us. We represent brands passionately and enjoy close partnerships”

“Small specialty retailers are influencers in the community. We host group runs, races, and other events where consumers can touch and feel new products. Our staff is trained to educate customers about all products. We are experts so our opinions mean something.”

82% of specialty retailers have experienced growth in the past year. It’s a thriving channel. But this success comes at the cost of ever increasing demands on retailers as they juggle a variety of brands and systems, season over season.

This presents a huge opportunity for brands. Retailers are seeking out brands that are invested in the success of their retailer partners. This is how brands will earn a spot on the wall at specialty retail - by listening to your retailers and building a strategy around mutual success for both.

Want to build a successful wholesale channel and be a strong partner? Then it’s time to start listening to what your retailers have to say.

Looking for more? Check out our research.