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Many B2B e-commerce providers have adopted a multi-system approach. They offer a commerce only solution that exposes their lack of content features to drive sales. This missing capability is “solved” by integrating with a content solution, either as a partner or through acquisition. This is a checkbox solution only - it allows for the commerce provider to say they have the features on paper, when in reality their system doesn’t deliver it natively. A cobbled together, two system solution like this can’t deliver the core features and singular experience that a brand needs to drive their B2B strategy forward.

One Solution For Everything

Envoy’s solution, a singular B2B platform containing tools for both content and commerce is the natural solution. How do we know? We’ve worked hard at informing ourselves on what the market is demanding, and then providing that solution. We have built our platform and it’s content and commerce strategy by working with great partners and incredible brands that keep us informed of the challenges and pain points they are running into. And mostly we have watched our brands and partners achieve incredible success under our single-system paradigm.

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A singular B2B solution - combining both content and commerce in one place - is the pinnacle of solutions. Opting for anything else leaves gains on the table and ignores the need to create zero friction experiences for buyers and reps each and every season.

Here are some of the benefits of using a single system for your content and commerce B2B strategy:

  • Reducing complexity increases involvement. A single access point boosts adoption and helps brands rally around driving their B2B strategy forward.
  • Buyers can seamlessly move from engaging with go to market content to a purchasing workflow with no friction.
  • Brands can market to buyers during the purchase experience to increase order volume.
  • Content engagement metrics can be combined with out of platform campaigns to drive buyers back to the platform with advertising and email campaign.
  • Satisfy the demands of an entire season - from planning to merchandising to recommending product to buyers - in one system.
  • Unlock large efficiency gains by leveraging your business rules and segmentation inside all of your go to market content.

Content & Commerce, Together At Last

A singular platform that supports content and commerce will seamlessly walk buyers and reps through learning and purchasing. This unified approach leaves behind the time consuming technical baggage of trying to stretch workflows across multiple systems. Brands will then be able to focus on the opportunities they have to attract, engage, and inspire buyers and reps in one destination.