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From order kit to share queue, there are a number of great features coming in the latest release of Envoy B2B. But one of the things we are most excited for is our new visualization tool.

A Better Visualization Tool

We’ve built our visualization tool right into your cart. As you build your cart you can visualize the buy in real time, adding and removing products until you have have exactly what you want.

Users can rearrange and drag products around to merchandise that perfect buy in a striking, interactive experience.

It’s simple, easy to use, and an integral part of taking the next step - a smart order.

We asked our very own Mark Troast how this feature will impact the Envoy B2B Brands he supports:

“I’m hearing a lot of excitement from brands about how they will use visualization, especially in the collaboration step to help their buyers see how their assortments can be merchandised and plan their shipments across a season. Seeing how each shipment fits together visually helps retailers to not only merchandise well but plan a strategy for their sell thru that helps their floor associates better recommend products to their customers. Successful sell thru starts at that collaboration.”

Built With Buyer Feedback

We didn’t create our visualization tool in a vacuum.

We’ve been in constant communication with buyers and reps as we built the tool, gathering feedback and surveying our users to find out what they want out of visualization. We heard over and over again from our users that they want visualization to be simple, straight forward, and easy to use.

So that’s what we built. A powerful visualization tool that isn’t clogged up with unnecessary bells or whistles, and delivers on what the buyers in our platform need to create a buy.

Getting Better All The Time

As always, we will continue to make Envoy B2B the best platform we can, closely following industry trends and gathering feedback from our users and buyers in the industry. We’re proud of our new visualization tool and we’re excited for our users to get their hands on it. We think it will make your buyer’s jobs easier and allow them to merchandise smarter, best-fit orders.